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Toyota 86 Mobil Sport [Car Sport]

Toyota 86 Mobil Sport [Car Sport] : Saudara kembar Subaru Brz, Toyota 86 ternyata memiliki nasib yang sama. Keduanya tidak diminati untuk dijual. Hanya saja Toyota 86 sedikit lebih buruk dari Subaru BRZ. Jika Subaru dapat menjual 2.320 unit, Toyota 86 hanya menjual 1.046 unit.


The twin brother of the Subaru Brz, the Toyota 86 turned out to have the same fate. Both are not in demand for sale. It's just that the Toyota 86 is slightly worse than the Subaru BRZ. If Subaru can sell 2,320 units, the Toyota 86 will only sell 1,046 units.